Adik Graves’s designs in book covers and book interiors
Priest’s 残次品
Two variants of the same personal project: creating physical copies of Priest’s sci-fi series “The Defective” or Can Ci Pan. As these are part of a series, the covers are designed to each house two books, and work in tandem with the volumes that come after it. For the first cover, the major design elements will stay the same throughout the volumes, but the featured planet and the color scheme will change. For the second cover, which embraces the more scientific aspect of sci-fi, the planets on the spine and cover rotate with each volume, indicating the passing of time. The photographs of Jupiter are from nasa.gov, and the rest of the graphics were made in Adobe Illustrator. All other work was done in Adobe Photoshop. All interior design was done through Adobe Indesign.
Interior Design for
Can Ci Pan
Adik Graves’s Little Favors
The cover designed for my self-published book LITTLE FAVORS, a psychological thriller romance. As this was my own work, many elements like the blurbs and the synopsis could be reworked to better fit the design. The cover image is from pexels.com. All photo editing and design was done in Adobe Photoshop. All interior design was done through Adobe Indesign.
Interior Design for Little Favors
Cyan Wings’s 他们都说我遇到了鬼
My recreation of Cyan Wings’s THEY ALL SAY I’VE MET A GHOST as a personal project. The only cover available online was the front, and it was in poor quality, so I had to recreate and approximate much of the design to create something that looked comprehensive. All cover work was done in Adobe Photoshop. All interior work was done in Adobe Indesign.
Interior Design of They All Say I’ve Met A Ghost